Making the decision to go to school for a degree in counselling career or psychology career can be a difficult one as both are similar and have their own advantages. Both careers offer many opportunities, but what is your best choice? In this blog post, we will compare and contrast the two fields and help you decide what suits your skills.


The Difference Between Counselling and Psychology

There is a big difference between counselling and psychology. Counselling is usually shorter-term, solution-focused, and aimed at helping people deal with specific life problems. It can be done on an individual basis or in groups. Psychology, on the other hand, is a much broader field that studies the human mind and behaviour. It can be used to help people understand and change their behaviour, as well as to treat mental disorders.

The Pros and Cons of Counselling and Psychology

The advantages and utility of each stream of study are debated, with there being distinct advantages of each. Some people believe that counselling and psychology are vital tools to help people overcome mental health problems. In contrast, others believe that one is better than the other or that they don’t provide significant benefits.

Undoubtedly, both fields have their own benefits and can provide a space for people to talk about their problems without judgement. The methods employed by both streams can help people to understand their emotions and help treat serious conditions.

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If we compare each, we see that counselling is more of an active form of therapy, where individuals are more integrated with their practitioner during their daily lives. This is especially good for those more hands-on individuals who like working in a community. It might be better for you if you don’t want to be in a consultation setting all day.

Psychology, on the other hand, usually involves smaller psychoanalysis sessions where they can privately work on problems. While it’s not common to administer medications, it may be included in the protocol. The practice of psychology may be better for those who have more of a technical background and are interested in the curing edge research of how the mind works.

It is important to weigh up the pros and cons of counselling and psychology before making a decision on what career you should choose. It really depends on what work environment you are most comfortable pursuing, and the decision should be based on what is right for you as an individual.

The Different Types of Counselling and Psychology

It is a common misconception that there is only one type of counselling or psychology. There are many different types of counselling and psychology, each with its unique focus and goals.

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The most common type of counselling is individual counselling, which focuses on helping individuals deal with personal issues. Also, couples counselling is popular and utilised to help those with relationship issues. You also have family and group counselling which are beneficial for larger groups to tackle issues that may arise between them.

The most common method in psychology is psychotherapy, which uses psychological techniques to help people change their behaviour and thoughts. There is also behavioural therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on changing negative behaviours, while cognitive-behavioural therapy combines this with cognitive techniques.

Is Counselling or Psychology Right for You?

Counselling and psychology are incredibly rewarding careers for those looking to enter the workforce. Now that we’ve explained the differences, you should consider which is right for you.

As discussed, counselling is much more hands developing competencies with others and focusing on the here and now. In contrast, psychology is focused on long-term mental health issues and behavioural patterns. If you’re still on the fence, we recommend doing volunteer work or even asking around those who have already started careers in these fields.

Ready to get started?

In conclusion, it is important to understand the difference between counselling and psychology. While fields have pros and cons, and the educational requirements differ, it is up to the individual to decide which field is right for them. With the right training and education, both careers can be very rewarding.

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