In this article, I’m going to introduce some of the open source javascript chart library. There is an extensive volume of javascript libraries and frameworks out in the market. These libraries were developed to meet certain criteria to solve specific problems. Some libraries may have lot powers that can be incorporated in the development cycle to render a rich look and present statistics in a significant manner.
Google Charts

Google provides interactive charts for browsers and mobile devices. Google charts have a rich gallery with a variety of charts ranging from simple scatter plots to hierarchical treemaps.
- It is easy to customize so that you can make as per your needs
- compatible with old browsers (also supports cross-platform iOS and Android)
- supports dynamic data. i.e real-time data can be pushed to the charts
- free to use
Chart varieties available are Annotation chart, area, bar, bubble, calendar, candlestick, column, combo, diff, donut, Gantt, gauge, geo, histogram, intervals, line, maps, org, pie, Sankey diagrams, scatter, stepped area, table, timelines, treemap, trendlines, waterfall, word trees etc.,

D3 is a data-driven javascript library for chart representation using html5, CSS, SVG.D3 makes use of Document Object Model (DOM) to transform data into the visual representation, here charts.
D3 is an opensource javascript chart library under BSD license. Many charting libraries were built on top of D3 to make better results and it is a widely used charting library.
chatist is an opensource javascript chart library which doesn’t need any external dependencies and has a size of only 10kb (gzipped version).
chartist was developed to overcome the inabilities of existing charting libraries. chartist provides highly customizable and responsive
Chart js
Chart.js is a simple javascript charting library for designers and developers. It is a community driven project with 271 contributors.
chart.js provides different variants and each of them can be animated and customizable.
variants are bar charts, line charts, area charts, scatter charts, scatter-multi axis charts, doughnut, pie, polar area, radar, combo bar/ line charts.
It supports all modern browsers also it is responsive.
Sigma js

sigma is a javascript library developed for graph drawing.
Sigma provides lots of features, such as canvas, WebGL rendering, mouse and touch support.It allows developers to integrate network exploration in rich Web applications
Sigma provides a lot of different settings to make it easy to customize how to draw and interact with networks. And you can also directly add your own functions to your scripts to render nodes and edges the exact way you want.
Heatmap js
Heatmap js is a lightweight javascript chart library to visualize data in three dimensional way.
Heatmap has a size of (~3kB gzip) and with the new 2.0 release heatmap.js just got faster rendering module, strong enough to handle 40k+ datapoints. Heatmap is easier to integrate and use. Also easier to extend to add custom functionality.