
Introduction to Git-Hub

Git hub is a web-based project collaboration tool,which is a cloud computing tool indexed under Software as a Service (SaaS) category.

Git is an open source code management tool developed by Linus Torvalds started in 2008 to make software builds faster.

Git-hub is the worlds largest code community platform.


Git is used to store source code of a project and can be used to track the complete history,to know what are the changes are commits have done to the project by the owner or other developers.As a open source project Git allows users to adapt and improve software from its free and public repository.

Git offers free and premium services,in free service source code and project details were visible to everyone who were using git.But in premium services Git allows users to decide which project should be in private repositories and which one goes  public repositories.

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To understand what it is:


Important terms used in Git-Hub are

  1. repository
  2. fork
  3. issue
  4. branch
  5. pull request
  6. merge


A repository is like a folder for your project. Your project’s repository contains all of your project’s files and stores each file’s revision history.

You can own a repository individually, and give other people collaborator access to your repository so that they can collaborate on your project. You can also share ownership of a repository with other people in an organization, and give organization members access permissions to collaborate on your repository.

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Repositories can be public or private. Public repositories are visible to everyone. Only the owner and collaborators can view or contribute to a private repository.


Fork is a copy of a repository.Forking allows users to experiment the project or prototype without affecting the original project.


Issues are suggested improvements, tasks or questions related to the repository. Issues can be created by anyone (for public repositories), and are moderated by repository collaborators. Each issue contains its own discussion forum, can be labeled and assigned to a user.


Branches are used in a project to commit changes to master repository or to create new modules.Making changes in branch does not affect the main project or main branch(master).



Pull requests let you tell others about changes you’ve pushed to a Git-Hub repository. Once a pull request is sent, interested parties can review the set of changes, discuss potential modifications, and even push follow-up commits if necessary.


Merging is also called integration,a fundamental operation used to join a successful branches to the master repository.

There was lot more terms in git-hub.

Git can be accessed via website and users can download command line interface (bash) to work offline and can also used to upload in online account as well.

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To know more about git terms click here-> (git-hub glossary).

To create git-hub account click here->

Thanks for reading.

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