This is a guest post by Muideen Samuel from TechstoryHowtos.

Today I will be showing you how to create a sitemap for your Blogger blog. first, we need to understand the meaning of sitemap


What is a sitemap?

A sitemap is a model of website/blog content designed to help both users and search engine navigate the site. A sitemap can be a hierarchical list of pages ( with links ) organized by topic, an organization chart or an XML document that provides instructions to search engine crawl bots__By Techopedia

A sitemap is a list of pages of a website accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for web designer or web page that lists the page on web page that lists the pages on a website typically organized in hierarchical fashion__By Wikipedia 


Importance of Sitemap

1. Saves Time— some piece of information should be delivered when they are still fresh, like news items. you don’t have to wait and guess when the spiders are likely to visit your Website/Blog.

2. Content Modification— You can only maintain higher rank in search engines if you keep modifying content on your website/blog, keeping it fresh and useful to the need of your visitors.

3. Free Services– The best thing in life comes in small portion and are free, submitting your sitemap to google doesn’t cost a penny.

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Types of Sitemap


in this section, I will be listing 5 types of sitemaps 


1. XML sitemap files for web pages–Used to submit all o your website/blog pages ( this is preferred format do web pages ) the XML sitemap is supported by all search engine of


2. RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 feed for web pages– This is mostly created automatically by many blogs.

3. Text file with web pages URLs– If you can’t create any of the above formats automatically, you can as well create a text file with your URL in it.

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4. XML sitemap files for video search— Videos on your website can be index and made available for Google VIdeo and made available for search.

5. Media-RSS feeds— Also for video search, mRSS feed is used by various other systems we can use these for Google Videosearch as well.

Now that you know what sitemap is all about here is how you will create and submit your sitemap to Google.

1. Visit or Sitemap Generator I will be using the Sitemap Generator for my illustration ( type your full address of your Blogspot blog, your self-hosted blog address with will be preferable ).

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2. Click on the generate sitemap button and it will generate the necessary text for your site. Copy the generated text to your clipboard.

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3. Now go to your blogger dashboard click on settings–> search preference and enable robot.txt option ( available in crawling and indexing section )

Paste the code ( your generated Sitemap text) here and save your changes.

And we are done Google automatically discover your XML sitemap file Via the robot.txt 

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