Google Ranking Factors

This post is the continuity of the previous post, Which Google Ranking Factors Matter Most in 2019

So now moving on to the topic of what are those important SEO ranking factors. Let’s concentrate on what are the important factors that actually matter in 2019. Actually SEO requirements keep on changing and it is actually hard to keep up with the latest developments.

Well-optimized sites get more and more traffic over time, which means they have got more leads and sales. Without SEO, searchers won’t be able to find your site, and all your hard work and efforts will actually go in vain.

So one of the most important factors for SEO Ranking is to have a website that is Secure as well as Accessible. First of our SEO ranking factors has to do with having the right kind of URL. To be specific it’s a URL that Google’s bots can actually reach easily and crawl. In other words, it means that Google should be able to visit the URL and look at the page content to actually start to understand that what is the page actually about. Next what stands important is Page Speed which also includes Mobile Speed. Page speed stands as one of the main SEO ranking factors for years. Google wants to improve user’s experience of the web, and fast loading web pages would actually do that. One important thing is that if your site doesn’t load fast on mobile devices, then it could be penalized.

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Mobile-friendliness stands another important SEO ranking factor. Nowadays people prefer mobile over the desktop as a result of which there have been changes in how Google ranks search results. If your site isn’t mobile-optimized you risk being out in the cold, in SEO terms at least. Now comes content, yes an optimized content is actually important for GOOGLE SEO ranking factors. The use of keywords in your content is very important because Google’s search algorithm relies on keywords. These are the words and phrases searchers actually use when they are actually looking for information. They are also the words and phrases that describe the topics your site is about. It’s not about just the main keywords either, it is also important to include terms that are related to the main terms people are searching for. These are called LSI(Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords. Content length also plays an important role in an SEO ranking factor.

Another important factor is the link, which actually plays a crucial role. Link is a crucial SEO ranking signal. Last but not least is Business information. The presence or absence of business information is one of the most crucial local SEO ranking factors.

Another factor is business photos and offers which should be added to the local business listing. It will improve the local business ranking on Google.

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